080 3740573

European Orchestra

The project European Orchestra is an  Erasmus plus strategic school partnership, that involves as partners with our cooperative:

Council for Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency - SPPMD, NORTH MACEDONIA (project coordinator)

· Bakirkoy Directorate of National Education, TURKEY

· Võru Kreutzwaldi Kool, ESTONIA

· Katolicka spojena skola, SLOVAKIA

· Nuestra Señora de la Victoria – Maristas, SPAIN

This project brings together European countries  and partners where the music education has a particular significance and importance, with a special emphasize on the positive influence it has on the special needs students. 

Aim of the project is to introduce and explore a wide range of free available music technologies  and learning tools that provide extra motivation for students and is based on their interests and everyday reality.

Outputs of the project are:

  • Music Education Book with sample songs
  • the book "Drama for kids"
  • A musical theatre

  • Common orchestra and choir established by students


  • Digital museum of ethnic instruments


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Programme. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.











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