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Fruit Super Squad

The latest data (2015–2017) from the WHO Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI) show that southern European
countries have the highest rate of child obesity, approximately 1 in 5 boys (ranging from 18% to 21%) are obese.
EU Health Ministers declared their commitment to fight
overweight and obesity in children and young people. indeed, there was broad consensus on giving them priority on the
health agendas of Member States, and on addressing this issue in an EU-wide context.
Given the crucial role of schools and teachers, it is vital to promote their understanding on the topic, to develop their competences, and to give them access to good-quality resources, upto-date information and training and guidance on food, nutrition and physical activity. 
“Fruit Super Squad: Healthy Schools” aims at the exchange of good practices between partners, to develop a European
Methodology for promoting healthy eating habits in schools, for children aged 3- 10.
Our work will be based on a good practice from Portugal – “Fruit Heroes”, and by sharing knowledge, practices and support
from European partners, we will adapt the methodology for European implementation and create “Fruit Super Squad” methodology.
Follow our facebook page @fruitsupersquad



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