he genesis of the project idea lies in the joint reflection on the peculiarities that unite the territorial, social and working contexts in which all the companies participating in the project partnership operate, summarized in the key concept of 'marginality', both physical and urban (periphery and peripherals), as well as economic, educational and social ( educational poverty and social exclusion), which characterizes the areas of project activity.
The concept of the periphery hides within itself more meanings that refer to a place in space, far from a center, and to a social dimension of place of degradation and marginalization.
Starting from the definition of suburbs as deficient places of "something", both in terms of distance or distance from "something else" rather than deprivation and absence, areas that lack centrality because they lack services, care for spaces, a 'adequate quality of life, we analyzed the change that the concept of "periphery" has undergone over time: the suburbs, today, is no longer generically what is far from the center, since it is in the center that we find more and more neighborhoods affected by phenomena of marginality, exclusion, marginalization and social degradation.
Today the urban suburbs find themselves acting within a model of city government - still in formation but sufficiently clear - fueled by the interaction of three R: Resilience, Recycling and Reactivation of urban capitals and within this new paradigm they can contribute to its operational definition offering itself as a precious laboratory.
The aim of the project proposal is the promotion of processes and models of participation in the educational and social sphere in contexts characterized by peripherization and by social and economic marginality.
The 'LinKommunity' intervention model will focus on activities and services as follows:
• enhancing the skills of children through laboratory activities in the educational and training fields, characterized by innovation, interdisciplinarity, inter-generationality and interculturality, with reinforcement of digital skills and STEM;
• promotion and enhancement of educating communities, through paths and services to support parenting and interventions to combat social and economic exclusion, focusing on a networking strategy between all the actors of the educating community and horizontal subsidiarity aimed at experimenting with models of intervention of the cd. community welfare.
The areas of intervention, taken as objectives of the project proposal, are:
strengthening the role of the school and all the actors in the educational process;
active involvement of families in educational services in the area;
contrasting educational poverty in areas of urban and / or social suburbs;
development of the sense of re-appropriation of common spaces, of the sense of citizenship and of the legality of minors;
promotion of cognitive skills (STEM), relational skills and creative thinking of minors.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission under the Erasmus+ Programme. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.