The aim of FESD project is to implement transformative learning that changes behaviour, as it allows internal change about assumptions and beliefs in students.
We want to invest in the capacity building of European schools promoting high-quality work and innovative methods of amp up the engagement and problem-solving opportunities in the classroom, in order to learn, adapt and develop knowledge,
competences and tools to work in different learning environments, learning in different ways, using creative methodology, engaging students in active involvement in peer education contexts, in order to identify, analyse and implement new habits, for their health and wellbeing, and to be empowered to become active agents of change in their local food systems.
To reach these results we started to work on the development, in the first project phase, of the Methodologies for food education at school that include 25 projects as good practices and 25 learning activities implemented at school.
The 5-weeks training programme that we are going to design will be piloted, after the transnational training for staff in Turkey, at local and transnational level, with the involvement of at least 30 students in each country.