The GET on BOARD project is an initiative carried out within the European Solidarity Corps, for the activation of transnational internships.
The territory of Bitonto (part of the metropolitan city of Bari) is considered one of the areas with the highest density of social disadvantage, due to the high unemployment rate, the presence of phenomena of juvenile deviance and the high crime rate.
In such a difficult context, there is the need for organizations which can increase the opportuniies for the local territory.
With this focus, Sinergia works with the aim of preventing, reducing and removing situations of need, risk, marginalization and social hardship: community opportunities are therefore revealed to the territory as an instrument of fundamental importance for growth.
Sinergia intends to implement initiatives allow the local area to open up to the transnational context, enhance the intercultural dimension of local development, initiate innovative actions for training, personal and professional development of its users, the strengthening of local networks to offer a more complete response to territorial needs.
The project aims to host 2 trainees from other countries / cultures / organizational contexts that can benefit the organization, in terms of exchanging skills and knowledge with the staff, in terms of stimulating new data to users, in terms of ideas and initiatives from the young participants: social innovation for our cooperative is a vital area, in continuous transformation, flexible and open to change. Investment in people, support for the development of knowledge and skills for employability is one of the key elements at the basis of daily work and business processes, in the field of education and social inclusion, also in order to reproduce and transfer virtuous practices , already experienced in European contexts, in our local dimension.
The expected impacts of the project for the PARTICIPANTS:
- knowledge of Italian cultures, customs, habits
- improvement of language skills (written and spoken Italian language)
- improvement of adaptation skills in different cultural and working contexts
- development of knowledge, skills and abilities useful for the professional path, such as:
(a) LEARN TO LEARN (set individual goals and learning goals);
(b) SOCIAL SKILLS (building trust, respect, tolerance, increasing self-confidence, working with different social groups aimed at recognizing the importance of mobility opportunities for learning and training);
(c) CIVIC SKILLS (being active as a citizen at the local level and learning to recognize the challenges of society and building local and global actions);
(d) INTERPERSONAL / LEADERSHIP SKILLS (teamwork and cooperation, conflict management, decision making, leadership, acceptance of responsibility);
(e) ORGANIZATIONAL SKILLS (planning, time management, team communication and cooperation, problem solving);
(f) COMMUNICATION SKILLS (expressing ideas, actively listening, asking questions, providing constructive opinions), as well as language skills
- increase of networks and platforms for sharing their transnational mobility experiences
The expected impacts of the project on the PARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS
- give European value to the work activities carried out in staff with people from different contexts and bearers of different experiences and contexts
- increase in staff skills (with reference to on the job training and internal tutoring functions)
- introduce the figure of the international trainee into your structure and maintain this figure over time in a constant manner
- development of transversal skills in teamwork
The expected impacts of the project for our TARGET GROUP
- increase in social participation
- raising awareness of transnational mobility and opportunities offered by European funds
- raising awareness on social inclusion, training and learning for personal, professional and social growth
- interest in vocational training activities, in particular transnational
- raising awareness of the potential of young people in Europe, in order to improve the inclusion and empowerment of young people
The project is founded by ANG - Project Code: 2020-1-IT03-ESC21-018455