080 3740573

Seniors in Arts

Seniors in Arts Erasmus+ project aims at:

1) Developing a guideline collecting the best practices among training activities based on expressive arts for seniors, in order to create a common background to help educators and social operators with seniors. The result will be the achievement of key competences for educators that will be a combination of knowledge, skills and tools appropriate to support seniors in developing new skills and opportunities to promote their social inclusion.

2) Providing opportunities for learning activities at local and transnational level for senior learners, as tolls to get connected and to exchange ideasand experiences in an European community of aged citizens. In this way we will support the awareness of European identity and the development of the sense of belonging to a transnational community among adult citizens in Europe.

3) Creating a tool - the virtual transnational cultural circle - where seniors can have the opportunity to get in contact with peers all around Europe, can access to artistic products as opportunity for entertainment and learning and can share their own artistic products as result of creative and expressive activities useful for staying active and sharing experiences, ideas and cultural heritage.



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