080 3740573


The mission of the cooperative takes the form of completed and ongoing projects. As part of its intervention areas, Sinergia has realised projects for training, learning and mobility, workshops, information campaigns and promotion of the cooperative principles.

Seniors in Arts

Seniors in Arts

Seniors in Arts Erasmus+ project aims at: 1) Developing a guideline collecting the best practices among training activities based on expressive arts for seniors, in order to create a common background to help educators and social operators with seniors. The result will be the achievement of key competences for educators that will be a combination of knowledge, skills and tools appropriate to support seniors in developing new skills and opportunities to promote their social inclusion. 2) Providing opportunities for...
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European Orchestra

European Orchestra

The project European Orchestra is an  Erasmus plus strategic school partnership, that involves as partners with our cooperative: Council for Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency - SPPMD, NORTH MACEDONIA (project coordinator) · Bakirkoy Directorate of National Education, TURKEY · Võru Kreutzwaldi Kool, ESTONIA · Katolicka spojena skola, SLOVAKIA · Nuestra Señora de la Victoria – Maristas, SPAIN This project brings together European...
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ELISTAT- Enriching the lives of seniors through the art therapy

ELISTAT- Enriching the lives of seniors through the art therapy

We are experiencing a historical moment with an unprecedented challenge of the COVID-19 global pandemic.The outbreak of COVID-19 will have a long-term and profound impact on older adults’ health and well-being.Social isolation and loneliness are likely to be one of the most affected health outcomes.Social isolation and loneliness are major risk factors that have been linked with poor physical and mental health status.   While scientists and researchers scramble to better understand the ways in which the coronavirus...
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Art and culture Recorded for e-Ternity

Art and culture Recorded for e-Ternity

The ART project makes part of the international museum world and other cultural / religious institutions accessible to a Europe-wide target group: students aged 8 to 16 years. It is evident that no, or hardly any travel is now possible due to the COVID-19 virus, this has an effect on the mobility of everyone, including students and teachers. More so, students do not always have the opportunity (time), interest (mind-set) and resources (money) to physically visit multiple locations in a short time. The ART VR method opens up the...
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Connecting Cultures

Restorative Dialogue against Violent Radicalization

Restorative Dialogue against Violent Radicalization

Restorative Dialogue Against Violent Radicalisation (RDaVR) has been put together to provide an alternative approach to preventing violent radicalisation and extremism based on dialogue and restorative justice. It will use the power of adult education and the restorative justice principle of power sharing to bring together 7 organisations from the UK, Turkey,
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TRA.MA. – per il Trattamento dei Maltrattanti

Fruit Super Squad

Fruit Super Squad

The latest data (2015–2017) from the WHO Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI) show that southern European countries have the highest rate of child obesity, approximately 1 in 5 boys (ranging from 18% to 21%) are obese. EU Health Ministers declared their commitment to fight overweight and obesity in children and young people. indeed, there was broad consensus on giving them priority on the health agendas of Member States, and on addressing this issue in an EU-wide context. Given the crucial role of...
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e-Care - Open and Distance Education for Palliative Care at Home

e-Care - Open and Distance Education for Palliative Care at Home

  e-Care; Open and Distance Education for Palliative Care at Home Erasmus+ Project aims to train the adults (caregivers working at hospital or hospices, nursing & senior homes patient family members & relatives who care at home etc.) through distance education. Necessary learning materials will be developed for the target group during the project period in order to achieve objectives of the project.   Expected results are: Adults will be equipped with high quality education via this educational...
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YES: youth engagement in the society

YES: youth engagement in the society

Research points that Young People Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) are more likely to become marginalized and to suffer from poverty, social exclusion, crime and mental/physical health problems, while at a macro-economic level they represent a considerable loss in terms of unused productive capacity and a considerable cost in terms of welfare payments. In fact, low self-esteem and self-confidence, typically present in this target, seems to be linked with increased isolation and lack of belonging, what contributes to the...
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